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About Us

All six Child Development Centers in the region are accredited by the National Academy of Early Childhood Programs, a division of the National Association for the Education of Young Children. Accreditation assures parents that all practices and curricula are state-of-the-art and that highly trained staff are involved in continuous self-evaluation and program improvement. The Association support hands-on, experiential learning, in which a child can discover and achieve relying on his or her own interests and initiative. Activities are carefully planned by staff to be appropriate for the child's age and development level so that mastery, self-esteem, and learning can be achieved in an enjoyable and supported environment.


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Developmental Assessment

Children who are identified with suspected delays through screening, local education agency (LEA) and parents may receive a full multi-disciplinary assessment from Lincoln Uinta Child Development Association's professional staff. Service providers may include an Early Childhood Special Educator, Occupational Therapist, Physical Therapist, Speech-Language Pathologist, Audiologist, Vision/Mobility Specialist, Child Psychologist or Social Worker. All results are discussed in depth with parents and a plan formulated for the child through collaboration of the entire team.


Head Start Program

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Head Start is a federally funded program, offered at all six Child Development Centers, for income-eligible children three to five years old and their families. Families must be income eligible to enroll their child in Wyoming Head Start. Head Start promotes school readiness in children and self-sufficiency for Wyoming families through health services, social services, nutritious meals, parent involvement, home visits, and early childhood education. Services incorporate preschool two days per week with lunch and two home visits per month. Home visits are family focused, engaging parents in activities designed to improve child development and enhance school readiness. Staff brainstorms with families goals for improving self-sufficiency, facilitate parent engagement in educational and training programs and encourage their pursuit of employment. Staff provides information about services in the community and link families to financial, in-kind, medical, and social support services as well as self sufficiency programs.

To Access an online application, click Online Application


Para acceder a una solicitud en línea, haga clic en Solicitud en línea




to 44-321

LUCDA Regional Office

PO Box 570

Mtn. View, WY 82939


Fax: 307-782-7328

LUCDA Evanston

1013 W Cheyenne Dr. Ste B

Evanston, WY 82930


Fax: 307-789-5525

Bridger Valley CDC

PO Box 570

Mtn. View, WY 82939


Fax: 307-782-7328

Kemmerer CDC

1208 Elk Street

Kemmerer, WY 83101


Fax: 307-877-9650

Afton CDC

PO Box 877

Afton, WY 83110


Fax: 307-885-9287

Thayne CDC

PO Box  672

Thayne, WY 83127


Fax: 307-883-4118

Alpine CDC

PO Box 3052

Alpine, WY 83128


Fax: 307-654-4118


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